Monday, April 7, 2008

Frat Wanna-be's

Unfortunately I was forced to walk behind two douchebags this afternoon...believe me, I had no choice because of 'sidewalk construction.'

Fatteee was telling Americanized-Harry-Potter-Style-Nerd where all the 'hawt women' hang out and if he didn't know that then he just as well be out of here.

Mind you, Fatteee probably has the definition of hawt women as the orange-skinned variety with buttercup-highlighted hair. They tend to come in groups.

And Fatteee and Americanized-Harry-Potter wouldn't stand a chance with those type of ladies unless they discover the next Facebook. But I have a feeling they don't see that as their fate.

So I hope they have a good time hanging out with the hawtness...

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