I'm hooked on Supernatural - have been since the pilot aired. Now that I'm actually reading more online and rewatching the first season, I've come to the realization that there is a lot going on. It's not just one urban legend or ghost story to the next each week.
The main writer, Erik Kripke, said he knows how it ends (so it looks like we won't get another X-Files situation - whew) but it's about 5-6 seasons. Does anyone remember when my beloved Dark Angel was abruptly canceled after two seasons with no resolution? Yeah, please don't let that happen again.
Anyway. I always assumed the main characters (bros Sam & Dean Winchester) were from Lawrence, Kansas because it's just about exactly the middle of the country and they are supposed to be good ol' boy type characters. I never thought to Google Urban Legends from that area...but when Kripke hinted to do this, I did.
Lawrence is right by Stull Cememtery...it's off Interstate 70 between Lawrence and Topeka (gosh, and to think of all the times my family and I went by there. Never felt anything weird.) So...it's rumored to be one of the 7 Gateways to Hell, if one believes such things. I guess there are supposed to be seven of them. The tie-in to the show is pretty darn cool, though, because the beasties and Winchesters had to get bound together at some point. We'll see if that ties in with the show later on.
And they were mentioning Sacramento. I can't find anything about Sacramento and urban legends. I did see Sacramento was the Gateway to the gold rush back in the day, but that's not much help.
So I'm very interested to see how Supernatural plays out - what the big two part season-finale brings, and that it's renewed for at least one more year. Hopefully two!
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