So I'm rewatching (is that a word?) Season 1 of Supernatural on DVD. I think this whole TV show on DVD is quite a spiffy thing and there are loads I'd love to own (Charmed! Gilmore Girls! Three's Company! Smallville!)...but buying season after season adds up.
The good thing here is I'm able to keep up with Supernatural since I got in on it at the beginning.
Back to my point. I'm actually enjoying the rewatching thing because you start to notice things you didn't before because you get so wound up the first time...at least I do...and am kinda just wound up in what's going on.
Now I can notice more of the overarching plot and try to figure out what is going on (see my other post on the Gateway to Hell).
I watched "HOME" and couldn't believe I didn't notice they gave out a full 866 number...hi, I'd have called. I guess I missed something there? I'm glad I never watched Lost. I'd never pick up on important things - or just concentrate on finding that important thing and miss the show. Whatever.
Anyway. Let's just say I'm quite pleased with my fave TV programs on DVD.